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Taken 4-Dec-11
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14 of 19 photos

The Cone nebula region

Here is the Cone nebula (red stuff near image center) along with some dark nebulas and star details: Baader modded Canon XSi, Canon 200 mm f2.8L @ f3.2 (external aperture), 32x4min (dithered manually), 51 darks, 41 flats. The darks are not perfectly temperature matched (off by 4C). I should have stopped the lens down to f3.6, next have to admit, I wasn't that excited about this target as it's rather faint. But given that the moon set at 1:30am, there was only one other target I could have picked. Between the two options, this was the lowest image marks the first night out with my new mount - a third hand GM-8 (non-Gemini). She behaved quite admirably.

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The Cone nebula region